The Tech Times by SystemCore
Despite having a very large number of developers and an extensive array of open source plugins, WordPress development inevitably entails crafting one’s own extensions and functional modules in response to particular build requirements. The first of which is below. I must find time to stick up more of our plugins, and update our subversion repository at I.e. Eventually I'll do it properly via the WordPress site ...but I havn't got time right now to fiddle about with subversion file registrations.
This is a very simple plugin - but I found that despite a few searches I couldn't find a widget to do such a simple thing! i.e. DISPLAY TODAY'S DATE in the sidebar! To be fair there is a plugin that is effectivley a 'run PHP in a widget' er, widget, but this is a security risk that's best avoided.
This widget displays the date in this format (although you could change it of course): Monday 14th March 2011. In addtion to the usual widget title, I've added another field in the widget options 'Extra info here:' for you to put some extra text beneath the date as well.
Download the zip file from the link below. Unzip it locally and then upload the folder named:'scl_todaysdate_widget' to your wordpress '/wp-content/plugins' directory and that's about it. Login as Admin, go to 'Plugins' and activate the plugin as per usual. You'll then see the widget available to you in your WordPress Appearance/Widgets dashboard. The widget will appear as 'SCL_TodaysDate'.
Quick pic below of the widget options ...told you it was simple:
Please note: This plugin works perfectly for me on WordPress 3.1. It is simple and it simply works. There's nothing horrible in it either, no trackers or spyware of any kind whatsoever; but I do have to state the usual caveat: we do not support it nor guarantee it in any way, it is offered 'as is'.
Hope you find it useful, please drop us a line if you like it or have any comments:
The day job is for our own company, SystemCore. Our homepage is here. More soon...
We'll try not to add these willy nilly, but it will take a while to find, vet and transcribe our historical 'really useful stuff'.
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